Nicole and Tori's Adventure

Nicole and Tori's Adventure
She is my world and my motivation. I cannot imagine life without her. Since the day she was born, she has always been the reason I breathe. I love you Tori!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Journey to Freedom

It's been a long time coming. Just in a year's time and I've accomplished so much. Around this time last year I was at the point where I wish I would have died, but God had other plans. After putting an application in at Mercy Multiplied I entered the doors 5 months later on April 4, 2016. That's when then hard work began. I must admit, the first few months were like hell but not because of Mercy but because of me. I was always under attack whether it was emotionally, physically, or mentally. Heck, most times it was all three at the same time. Let me tell you about when the change started. Jane Hamon came to prophesy over ALL staff and residents. It took a whole three days. On the second day, I was prophesied over. I wanted to break down and cry but I didn't. Then on the final day that they were there something happened. Now, for as long as I could remember I could hear and see things that no one else could hear and see. Doctors told me that it was a chemical imbalance. Pastors told me I was possessed by demons. I believed neither. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know how to fix it. Well, on that third day, I was sitting there beside a friend (and I had been dazed all three days) but she asked me what it was that I was seeing. I was in such shock that I didn't say anything. I managed to write this: They are gone. We both burst into tears. My mind was instantaneously so clear and everything seemed so much louder. The voices were gone! Schizophrenia no longer had  hold on me. After that day I was doing lots of counseling and to cover up the truth, lots of lying. I'm not proud of it at all but that's the past. I made many friends and more importantly I found out who I was while being reminded of WHOSE I was. I know that I hurt so many people and if I could go back I would make everything right but that's not how life works. At Mercy, I received so much love from both staff and residents. They will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart! On October 20th, I discharged from the program and started my new life as a NEW me. A FREE me! I've been home for nearly 3 weeks now and I can honestly say that God has changed me entirely with the help of Mercy. I no longer think the same way that I use to and I surely don't act the same way I use to. I should have died a long time ago BUT GOD had other plans! Look at me now. If God can change the life of this sex trafficked, schizophrenic, drug addict, depressed, prostituted and beat down girl into a confident, God-fearing, honest, caring, loving, joyous, and free woman then I'm pretty darn positive that ANYONE can change! Like I said in the beginning, it's been a long time coming! I thank God everyday for all the people he put in my path to help me get where I am now. The journey has just begun!

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM!
-2 Corinthians 3:17