Nicole and Tori's Adventure

Nicole and Tori's Adventure
She is my world and my motivation. I cannot imagine life without her. Since the day she was born, she has always been the reason I breathe. I love you Tori!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

You Know That You're Alone

When you need a shoulder to cry on,
 but no one is there for you
 you know that you're alone.
When you sit down to eat
 and you're the only one at the table
 you know that you're alone.
When you have no friends,
 not even family
 you know that you're alone.
When you tell someone you're having a bad day
 and they ignore the statement
 you know that you're alone.
When you think you've finally made friends
 but they treat you like crap
 you know that you're alone.
When you write a poem about yourself
 knowing no one will see
 because you feel so alone.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rebecca Lyn (Faith)

You are a great person and I love you so.
You help me stay sane when my mind starts to go,
To the dark places that lie within.
You are my sister, my goofball, my best friend.
I know I’m harsh sometimes but it’s not because of you.
It’s just that sometimes I wish I could walk in your shoes,
And have a family, like yours, who loves each other so.
Seeing your smile is like eating a raw batch of cookie dough, it’s great!
You make me laugh. You make me smile.
When I’m with you I feel like I could run 5 miles.
I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m sorry for being rude.
I want you to know that when we are together I feel like dancing a jig and singing a toon.




Thursday, September 17, 2015

These Are My Pieces

These are my pieces, but not my whole.
I am more than this flesh and blood.
My skin does not portray who/what lies beneath.
My smile does not really show how I feel
and my eyes do not allow you to see my depth.

I am no longer an object of someone else’s will,
but a prisoner to my own body.
My body does not feel like it belongs to me.
For so long it was not given a say
and was forcibly maneuvered by another.

Even my mind seems to be dictated
by my own body's sensations.
A simple touch of my arm can trigger a memory.
My hand hesitates to make contact
with even ones I love.

All of these pieces while built together, feel disjointed.
My lips long for a long compassionate kiss,
but my hand will freely push it away.
My arms cry out to be wrapped in another’s,
but my body quickly tightens
responding to a perceived attack.
My body while flaunted is self-conscious
of how it will be judged.
It is a vessel of unknown.

Each touch is a switch
that triggers a new or old memory.
A personal home theater of years past,
many showing reruns that had long been forgotten
or simply waiting for the right time.
My home movies are nightmares
that give understanding to my body's reactions.
Unlike nightmares, I can not wake up
and say it was just a dream.

I have tried to rationalize
with both my mind and body, but it yields to the past.
They are a great puzzle
that I am slowly piecing together.
The picture of who I am
becomes clearer with each piece,
and like most children’s toys, the result is often
not as spectacular as you had hoped.

Can I see who I am becoming
without finishing the puzzle?
The pieces have slowly come together
to create a gruesome picture of who I was.
The pieces cannot be reconfigured
to change the ultimate image;
my picture of my past will always be the same.

The only difference now lies
in how I choose to view it in the future.