Nicole and Tori's Adventure

She is my world and my motivation. I cannot imagine life without her. Since the day she was born, she has always been the reason I breathe. I love you Tori!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Wrote Another Song Just Now
Crying blood, where is the love that i need?
And all these years, I have been asking what is wrong with me.
Thirteen years, searching for the things that people see in me.
Why Me? Why Me? What have I done?
I don't wanna be used again.
Why Me? Why Me? Of millions, I'm one
who's survived since it began.
Why me? Why Me? Tired of all the privacy!
Nobody to open up to.
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
Oh God, Why Me? (Oh God, Why Me?)
Stuck inside the darkness, can somebody stop this silence
Because this pain hurts more than hurt does,
and all these years, I have been asking what is wrong with me.
Thirteen years, searching for the things that people see in me.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Advisory Assignment: Cheer
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Why me?
God said:
" I have seen how they acted, but I will heal them. I will lead them and help them, and I will comfort those who mourn. I offer peace to all, both near and far! I will heal me people. "
Reading this I notice that God extends 5 promises:
1. If you hurt, God says, " I will heal you."
2. If you're confused, God says, " I will lead you."
3. If you feel helpless, God says, " I will help you."
4. If you feel alone, God says, " I will comfort you."
5. If you feel anxious and afraid, God says, " I will offer peace to you."
God says He will heal me yet I'm still hurting. He says if I'm confused he will lead me yet I'm still lost. God says he will help me yet no help is found. He says if I feel alone, which I feel all the time, he will comfort me yet I feel no comfort and I feel more alone than ever. God says if I'm anxious and afraid that He will offer me peace yet He still hasn't offered me peace. Why would he make promises he cant keep. It makes me think about why am I even a Christian.
Feelings, Wants, and Needs
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
My Point of View
Monday night Jerrisha tryed to committ suicide while taking a bath. She tryed to drown herself because she wishes that it was her instead of Asha. She wrote in her diary that she should've jumped infront of Asha n wishes she could take that night back and redo it.. She said she's lost all of her friends n family. She only in this situation. She loves Asha in the she'll take away her life to restore Ashas so Asha this is 4 you.
Jerrisha is currently at the hospital on a stopwatch for trying to commit suicide.. I pray and hope that she's alright and that whoever is reading this gets some peace of mind and also a heart..
Love U Babysis
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
a mask
Monday, October 8, 2012
This Pain I Feel Inside
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Mi Hermanita's Facebook Status
its funny how wen ya want a good grl, a faithful grl, a comittmented grl, honest n loyal grl, beautiful grl, smart bt bad grl, n ya want ha to b a rider n accept u fa u.! mne u females r crazy dese days bcus as soon u get 1 u dog her, cheat on her, lie to ha, disown her, n mke ha feel worthless n da first thng yall say is i was just testin her to c hw down fa me she was wen really u just want ya ice cream n cake n eat it too. if its anythng she should b testin u by makin sure if u really deserve her'!! grow up mne bcus u did ull c dat u shouldnt love n care fa a million grls. ull c dat u should love n care fa 1 grl n a million ways :) dats y im only doin rite by my grl bcus i no hw it feels to b hurt n dats sum i refuse to tke her thru. FUCK ALL DA BS
This goes for girlfriends and boyfriends.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Inside I'm Dying
I try so hard to maintain a cheerful attitude, but inside I'm dying. Holding in the tears and pain, trying hard to fight it. Tears I haven't released for more than ten years, causing my heart to drop. Pain, terrors, nightmares make my heart stop. I'm dying on the inside because I won't shed tears and release all the bad things that I've held in for years. I can't tell my mom, nor teacher, nor friend. It's something I have to start and continue til the end. I'm dying on the inside. I don't know what to do. I wonder if I'll live or die, holding in these tears.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
What I keep telling myself
Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Mask is Worn
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Change of perspective
This hurts more than the word HURT. I don't know what to think. Im too afraid to talk to him. Is it because I'm afraid of what he may say or worse, what he may do...daddy can I please come back home....sadness is overwhelming. His whole view of me most likely has changed, and that's not a good thing. Holding back tears.
Be a great Father.
I can show you better than I can tell you
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Potrait Of A Woman
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Stupidity vs. Wisdom
Stupidity is what the human race survives off of. Like seriously. Why couldn't it be wisdom or something? I guess you have to transform the stupidity into wisdom by yourself. Give it a shoot.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Other Side Of The Pillow
Before, all I seemed to focus on was the bad but now its the good. People have left me hanging in life but I don't worry about it because I know that I'm not alone. God is always here with me and he blessed my with Tori. I love her so much. A lot is on my mind but I don't worry about it. All I can say is THANK YOU GOD!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Tori and Me
Someone else has a worse life that You
I think and think about my life. What all I do that's wrong and what can I do to make it right. My life us blah. But I just have to keep reminding myself that someone else has a worse life than me. I just gotta keep praying.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Okay so as we all know, I attend this "good" school. Southaven High is supposed to be a great school. We had a tornado drill seriously, WTF!!!! I'm hugry and sleepy. These folks stupid. All I need is to do is GO HOME. Thats it. We gotta four day weekend. Thursday is the last day of school until tuesday. hallelujah.