Not ALL disabilities are visible.I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, depression and anxiety disorder. I have mental illnesses but you would have never known if I hadn't have told you. People are so quick to judge and even quicker to say that someone is lying about having a disability. As stated by the Invisible Disability Association, "An illness or injury is considered chronic, when it lasts a year or longer, limits activity and may require ongoing care. Not everyone with a chronic condition has the same symptoms or degree of symptoms. Some have mild complications and with a little adjustment in their diets or schedules, they can lead a pretty “normal” life. Some have to make bigger changes, sacrificing various activities or their work situations in order to contend with their conditions. Others become so ill they are unable to work at all and struggle just to meet life’s daily needs." I was hospitalized A LOT on account of my illnesses. Once I was in the hospital for so long that I barely made it to my high school graduation. I mean no one likes to be sick or in pain. Just because a person doesn't look sick or seems to be "normal" doesn't mean they aren't fight a war that, at times, feels like they are losing. It is not easy living with a disability. Sometimes I pray, crying out to God, asking and begging him to make me "normal". Sometimes I feel like I can't take it anymore but then I remember that my story could help someone else. Most people that are living with disabilities don't want to give up so even when they are feeling their worst they put on a smile and they just keep swimming.